5th annual national Plant-based Prevention Of Disease (P-POD) conference
Sat. May 19 – Mon. May 21, 2018, Raleigh NC
“Full” conference registration will cover a 16.75 to 17 hour educational program.
“Short” conference registration will cover a 13 to 13.25 hour educational program, skipping EITHER the Saturday afternoon or else the Monday morning.
Conference beginning: 1:00 pm Saturday, after optional separate-cost 11:45 am – 1:00 pm luncheon.
Conference ending: 12:40 pm Monday, before (included) Farewell Luncheon.
Please click the tabs below for the overview of timing (without individual presentations listed), and for the complete hour-to-hour program schedule for each day (subject to minimal changes later on).
“Full” conference registration will cover a 16.75 to 17 hour educational program.
“Short” conference registration will cover a 13 to 13.25 hour educational program, skipping EITHER the Saturday afternoon or else the Monday morning.
Conference beginning: 1:00 pm Saturday, after optional separate-cost 11:45 am – 1:00 pm luncheon.
Conference ending: 12:40 pm Monday, before (included) Farewell Luncheon.
Saturday optional separate-cost lunch: 11:45 am to 1:00 pm.
Saturday afternoon program: 1:00 to 5:10 pm, including 25 minutes of breaks.
Saturday dinner (included): 5:15 to 6:20 pm.
Saturday evening program: 6:30 to 8:20 pm, including 10 minutes of breaks.
Saturday evening music and dancing: 8:25 to 9:45 pm.
Sunday morning fitness activity and breakfast (included): approx. 7:00 to 8:35 am, with buffet foods remaining later.
Sunday morning program: 8:35 to 11:45 am, including 15 minutes of breaks.
Sunday pre-lunch stretch/stroll/serving break: 11:45 am to 12:10 pm.
Sunday lunch (included) plenary presentation: 12:10 to 1:30 pm.
Sunday afternoon program: 1:40 to 5:40 pm, including 35 minutes of breaks.
Sunday dinner (included): 5:45 to 7:15 pm.
Sunday evening social or reception time: after 7:15 pm.
Monday morning fitness activity and breakfast (included): approx. 7:00 to 8:35 am, with buffet foods remaining later.
Monday morning program: 8:35 am to 12:40 pm, including 30 minutes of breaks.
Monday pre-lunch stretch/stroll options begin at: 12:40 pm.
Monday Farewell Luncheon (included) serving hours will be: 12:40 to 2:40 pm.
SATURDAY approximately 11:15 am: on-site check-in available for attendees
SATURDAY 11:45 am – 1:00 pm: Optional on-site separately-payable luncheon available prior to start of the program.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON PLENARY SESSION, 1:00-5:10 pm (4.25 hours minus 5 minutes)
SATURDAY 1:00-1:25 pm
Matt Ruscigno, RDN MPH:
Introductory remarks: “Why Does the Future of Healthcare Begin with Nutrition?”
(New for 2018: The nutrition expertise of Registered Dietitians is crucial! But, other practitioners throughout the health care system must interface with the mission of Registered Dietitians and must embrace the importance of nutrition for chronic disease prevention and treatment strategies…. and they CAN indeed integrate informed nutrition consciousness within their (and/or their team’s) practice! So, P-POD presents the “Perspectives of 8 Different Types of Practitioners”.)
SATURDAY 1:30-2:50 pm: Perspectives of 8 Different Types of Practitioners, Parts 1 and 2 ….
(1)–SATURDAY 1:30-2:05 pm (physician using lifestyle medicine in daily clinical practice)
Mladen Golubic, MD PhD:
Lifestyle Medicine Can Mobilize Plant-based Diets against Chronic Inflammation (and its Aftermath)
(2)–SATURDAY 2:05-2:40 pm (nurse practitioner practicing clinically as a Certified Diabetes Educator)
Caroline Trapp, DNP APN-BC CDE FAANP:
Diabetes Care without Industry Influence: Serving Patients by Doing the Right Thing
—-2:40-2:50 pm: Audience questions for Mladen Golubic and Caroline Trapp
[2:50-3:00 pm: break and stretch]SATURDAY 3:00-3:35 pm
Milton Mills, MD:
Plant Proteins and Their Impact upon Human Health, Physiology and Disease Risk
—-3:35-3:45 pm: Audience questions for Milton Mills
[3:45-3:55 pm: break and stretch]SATURDAY 3:55-5:10 pm: Perspectives of 8 Different Types of Practitioners, Parts 3 and 4 ….
(3)–SATURDAY 3:55-4:25 pm (physician conducting patient lifestyle education in a group setting)
Michael Hollie, MD FAAAAI FACAI:
Dinner with the Doctor: A Flavorful Prescription for Health Improvement
(4)–SATURDAY 4:25-5:00 pm (integrative psychiatrist)
Ulka Agarwal, MD:
Mindful Eating
—-5:00-5:10 pm: Audience questions for Michael Hollie and Ulka Agarwal
[5:10-5:15 pm: transition to dinner]SATURDAY 5:15-6:20 pm: dinner
[6:20-6:30 pm: notice given…. transition time to evening program]SATURDAY EVENING PLENARY SESSION, 6:30-8:20 pm: (1.75 hours + 5 minutes)
SATURDAY 6:30-7:10 pm
Graham Colditz, MD DrPH FAFPHM:
Adolescent and Early Adult Diet Can Reduce Risk of Cancer, Diabetes, and Other Chronic Disease: Missed Opportunities for Prevention
—-7:10-7:20 pm: Audience questions for Graham Colditz
[7:20-7:30 pm: break and stretch]SATURDAY 7:30-8:10 pm
Saray Stancic, MD FACN:
The Power of Prevention: a Global Perspective
—-8:10-8:20 pm: Audience questions for Saray Stancic
SATURDAY 8:25-9:45 pm: dancing party with music, in the conference hall
SUNDAY 7:00 am onward: some FITNESS related activities to be announced
SUNDAY starting about 7:30 am, through 8:35 am and beyond: breakfast (for example, basic oat/fruit/nut type foods) provided on-site, remaining available through more of the morning in the conference hall
SUNDAY MORNING PLENARY SESSION, 8:35 am – 11:45 am (3.25 hours minus 5 minutes)
SUNDAY 8:35-10:35 am: Focus Lecture and P-POD Annual Clinicians’ Round Table ….
—-SUNDAY 8:35-9:10 am
Baxter Montgomery, MD FACC:
Focus Lecture: “Addressing Lifestyle-Challenged Patients within an Interventional Nutrition-Rooted Practice”
—-9:10-9:20 am: Audience questions for Baxter Montgomery
(9:20-9:25 pm: stretch and transition to round table)
—-SUNDAY 9:25-10:35 am
P-POD Annual Clinicians’ Round Table (with audience questions): “Treating and Advising Patients with HUGE Lifestyle Obstacles”
Chair: Ulka Agarwal, MD:
Brenda Davis, RD:
Stephan Esser, MD:
Parul Kharod, RDN MS LDN:
Baxter Montgomery, MD FACC:
Janardhan Srinivasan, MD FACC:
Saray Stancic, MD FACN:
(10:35-10:45 am: break and stretch)
SUNDAY 10:45-11:45 am: Focus Lecture and Interactive Dialogue on Diet and the Environment ….
—-SUNDAY 10:45-11:20 am
Irana Hawkins, RDN PhD:
Focus Lecture: “Using our Plate to Protect the Planet”
—-SUNDAY 11:20-11:45 am
Interactive Dialogue (with audience questions): “Controlling Climate Change Includes What’s on Your Plate”
Chair: Kathy Pollard, MS:
Irana Hawkins, RDN PhD:
SUNDAY 11:45 am – 12:10 pm (time to stretch/stroll, gather food and get seated for 12:10 lunch lecture)
SUNDAY 11:45 am (luncheon food service available to begin)
SUNDAY “WORKING LUNCHEON” PLENARY SESSION, 12:10-1:30 pm (1.25 hours + 5 minutes)
SUNDAY 12:10-1:30 pm
P-POD Annual Public Policy Round Table (with audience questions): “How Can Public Policy and Available Resources Be Mobilized to Improve Health Outcomes on a Community, Societal and Global Level?”
Chair: Pamela Fergusson, RD PhD:
Kyle Ash, LLM MA:
Terry Mason, MD FACS:
Timothy Radak, RDN DrPH MPH:
(1:30-1:40 pm: break and stretch)
SUNDAY 1:40-2:15 pm
Lois Ellen Frank, PhD (Kiowa):
Ancestral Native American Plant-based Foods for Health and Wellness: Their Importance in a Chef’s Modern Kitchen
—-2:15-2:25 pm: Audience questions for Lois Ellen Frank
(2:25-2:40 pm: stretch break and P-POD group photo)
SUNDAY 2:40-3:50 pm: Perspectives of 8 Different Types of Practitioners, Parts 5 and 6 ….
(5)–SUNDAY 2:40-3:10 pm (physician in sports and spine medicine)
Stephan Esser, MD:
The Intersection of Plant-based Nutrition with Sports and Spine Medicine
(6)–SUNDAY 3:10-3:40 pm (exercise physiologist)
Martica Heaner, PhD MA MEd:
Does Diet Trump Exercise? For Fatburning, Fitness and Health, Is Walking Really Enough?
—-3:40-3:50 pm: Audience questions for Stephan Esser and Martica Heaner
(3:50-4:00 pm: break and stretch)
SUNDAY 4:00-4:35 pm
Virginia Messina, RDN MPH:
Meeting Nutrient Needs on a Vegan Diet: Guidelines for Health Practitioners
—-4:35-4:45 pm: Audience questions for Virginia Messina
(4:45-4:55 pm: break and stretch)
SUNDAY 4:55-5:30 pm
Stephen J. O’Keefe, MD(UK) MSc MRCS LRCP:
Dietary Changes to Prevent Colon Cancer
—-5:30-5:40 pm: Audience questions for Stephen O’Keefe
(5:40-5:45 pm: transition to dinner)
SUNDAY 5:45-7:15 pm (dinner)
SUNDAY 7:15 pm onward: evening social or reception time, in the conference building
MONDAY 7:00 am onward: some FITNESS related activities to be announced
MONDAY starting about 7:30 am, through 8:35 am and beyond: breakfast (for example, basic oat/fruit/nut type foods) provided on-site, remaining available through more of the morning in the conference hall
MONDAY MORNING PLENARY SESSION, 8:35 am – 12:40 pm (4 hours plus 5 minutes)
Taking the Die Out of Diet
—-9:20-9:30 am: Audience questions for Kim A. Williams
(9:30-9:40 am: break and stretch)
MONDAY 9:40-10:40 am: Perspectives of 8 Different Types of Practitioners, Parts 7 and 8 ….
(7)–MONDAY 9:40-10:05 am (pharmacist)
Evelisse Capó, PharmD:
Plant-based Rx
(8)–MONDAY 10:05-10:30 am (registered nurse)
Melissa Busta, RN BSN:
Nursing Opportunities Every Day!…. for Nutrition Education and Promotion
—-10:30-10:40 am: Audience questions for Evelisse Capó and Melissa Busta
(10:40-10:50 am: break and stretch)
MONDAY 10:50-11:30 am
Brenda Davis, RD:
Defeating Disease with Plant-based Diets…. Essential Practice Points for Practitioners
—-11:30-11:40 am: Audience questions for Brenda Davis
(11:40-11:50 am: break and stretch)
MONDAY 11:50 am -12:30 pm
Michael Klaper, MD:
What I Wish Someone Had Told Me in Medical School about Nutrition
—-12:30-12:40 pm: Audience questions for Michael Klaper
MONDAY 12:40 pm onward: lunch may be enjoyed to 2:40 pm, so we invite you to take a stretch/stroll break first
MONDAY 12:40-2:40 pm: Farewell Luncheon
Plant-based Prevention Of Disease, Inc. is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization accepting no commercial funding or sponsorship:,